It’s only natural that a growing number of clients with ever growing adoption would lead to a growing number of adapters. In fact some are now using Apidapter to integrate dozens of solutions and campuses. With so many adapters we needed to find a way to let users categorize them within their organization. That’s what we now call properties.

Properties are subsets of your organization which are used to group adapters together which share similar attributes. For example if you come from an institution with three IT groups, academic technology, student services, and core infrastructure, you might create three properties within your organization to house adapters which fall in to these categories. In other words your LMS and its third-party point solutions would belong in the first property, career system in the second, and CAS in the third.

On the vendor side you could take a similar approach, using properties to group customers or product lines.

We are already pondering ways to take even further advantage of properties by combining them with permissions, but more on that In a later post. Until then we hope you use properties to continue growing your use of Apidapter in a more natural, clean, and maintainable way.

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